Joe Soap;175670 wrote:
Some people just like to moan. Other people can't stand anyone or anything being successful. It's a sad trait of the British psyche, I am afraid to say. Just have to ignore it and get on with life. There's nothing negative that hasn't already been said a million times before.
There are some things that I think we can all agree on about FS:
*Since inception it has done well, and has been a great investment for those who got in early
*It has a single approach, which is mega-cap quality, with a focus on the US
*Over the past 5 years it has tailed off, still doing okay but pretty much the same as a comparable tracker in the same space
*Its holdings look expensive, having got there through re-rating, and it is focused on a narrow sector
The question is whether a narrow concentration in expensive, quality, US-focused, mega-caps will repeat the performance of the early years, when this stuff was less expensive. Maybe it will. Personally, given the rather average performance in recent years, I wouldn't bet on it. But that's merely a matter of opinion.