Personally I like this one, for a few reasons:
1. I like Ackman, he generally talks sense and keeps it simple, plus he often cites Buffet as an influence
2. Good long-term track record
3. Contrary to comments above, I don't see any "mom and pop" businesses in the portfolio (?), they all seem to be decent market cap although I agree a retail focus (which might actually be a good thing after the stimulus, and I think Chipotle in particular is smashing it out of the park at the moment)
4. Good entry point from the current discount
5. I like the strategy - a small core of long-only holdings with high conviction, activist positions to unlock value, and the occasional call on a market dislocation/peak
6. I think the UK listing is for tax reasons, although I agree it does look a bit strange, but then again is the location of a listing such a big deal these days? Cazoo is planning to list on the NYSE I believe? Also a few UK healthcare companies seem to prefer listing in the US.