Alanis M;326523 wrote:Well if no one appreciates my analysis then fine.
I just expected more from a manager of his experience and expense.
I learnt decades ago that their was no benifit from listening/meeting FMs as they only talk about past facts and tell stories about the future..
I did however trust them 100% to manage my money. ie they had completed full DD and all I had to decide was are the Trusts they manage under or overvalued.
Again listing 100s of facts re inflation/interest rates and micro/mini economics I left fully with the Managers as I couldn't added any value and if anything it had a negative effect..
Using a method with no emotion tended to provide outperformance as emotion draws you into the herd instinct which causes many of the wide swings in 12 month high/lows.
My Managers Reports contained manly the past facts and no forecasts as the later is guesswork/speculation.
I appreciate your frustration that no one responded.
I also suffer as many on here think I am nuts but they dont realise that I cracked it many years ago.