The ssinnic;17035 wrote:I feel this discussion has been positive and helpful: however, I also have some reservations and am unclear about this business of "splitting" the funds into separate arrangements.That's because I have heard or read that some pension scheme providers arrange the "policy" ( I call it that because that's what most people understand but actually if the fund is with ,say, a Platform like Transact (as example) it's not actually a policy as such but a fund managed by a recognised provider to HMRC) into segments of £1.each for maximum flexibilty. I am a retired IFA and a bit out of touch with things nowadays, but wonder if you would be so good as to add further comment on this:
I have a fund of, let us say, £800000. It has had no withdrawals of any kind to date. It has been accumulated with contributions + transfers from other schemes both FS and DC and of course is self-invested in cash, shares and units.It has enjoyed some growth. It is with a Platform. So can I do any of these;
1. take tfc of .say. £50K and leave rest of fund to accumulate (750000)..........if so does that remaining fund still have tfc entitlement and if so is it expressed as a %age of the fund value? Is the £50K already taken deducted as a sum or is it back-worked to represent a %age? Is that remaining fund moved by my provider to some other title and is it now called something else?
2. Take max TFC £200K and leave rest to accumulate (I think I can)
3. If I do 1, and come back in 2 years time and the £750K is now £1,750,000 (!YES) can I now get 25% of that (£1,75M) = £437500 tfc less the original £50K taken 2 years ago in 1......i.e £387500 tfc?
This is beginning to look like a test paper for an advanced Planners Course!!
Thank you for the responses so far, both of you!
As it is now getting late, my response will be short.
1. Taking £50 tfc means crystalising £200k, so £600k left untouched. 25% available of this residual fund.
2. Yes,
3. No. Not quite. LTA, possible protection in place.
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