Quote:Maybe worth noting that, since 2012, if you leave at least 10% of your estate to charity then the IHT rate on the rest of the estate is reduced from 40% to 36%.
Never seemed attractive to me.
Imagine a £2M estate - leave £200k to charity - save £40k IHT - other beneficiaries get £1.44M
- leave nothing to charity - other beneficiaries get £1.6M
So you reduce the proceeds to other benficiaries by 160K, charity gets 200k - only attractive if you have already decided you want to give a large sum to charity.
I have also read some troubling stories concerning legacies to charities. The charities seem typically VERY aggressive in obtaining their willed legacy and have well paid and aggressive lawyers that will make mincemeat of any you might fund by spending your legacy to fight them.
Issues seem to have included...
Will leaves a % of an estate but was made 10/20 years before when that was a modest amount e.g. 20k - but in final estate it has become 200k.
Will leaves a large sum to charity but the maker of the will didn’t release this would be - after the payment of IHT - i.e. the charity’s bequest is free of IHT.
Another aggressive beneficiary is now involved if there is any need to change the will with a Deed of Variation.
My view is better to give to charity year on year while alive and let them claim the gift aid income tax recovery.
But just my opinion. Some have no family to leave to anyway.