My husband and I are now retired and we set up our pension drawdown accounts with Hargreaves Lansdown, which operated from 19 December 2011 and 19 March 2012 respectively. The amount we have been able to drawdown (100%) is disappointingly small compared to our expectations, due to the Government moving the goalposts from 120% to 100% in 2011. Subsequently we have found ourselves looking for alternative means of income due to the restricted cashflow we are suffering.
We are therefore dismayed to hear that only from March 2013, AND ONLY at the anniversary date of the original GAD evaluation, can we have a revised calculation using the 120% figure. This means my wife will have to wait 9 months and I will have to wait 51 weeks.
Is there any way this can be appealed against? Can we pay larger fees and move these dates forward by any means? Any ideas or background knowledge which may help would be gratefully received.