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Do you ever use your chequebook?
neil shearn
Posted: 04 November 2010 21:57:58(UTC)

Joined: 17/06/2009(UTC)
Posts: 3

Being totally selfish, please wait until I've passed on before cremating my cheque book!
Posted: 05 November 2010 08:10:53(UTC)

Joined: 24/09/2010(UTC)
Posts: 11

Mike V

You have things the wrong way round. I'm English and live in Prague. This is not the forum to explain what systems should replace cheques - suffice to say that cheques are really unnecessary and particularly for business they are an extremely archaic form of payment.
Alexander Raddon-Greenaway
Posted: 05 November 2010 10:40:07(UTC)

Joined: 05/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1

"Retailers should be forced by law to accept cheques"
-- The reason most of them don't is that it is a thieves' charter to use dud or "bouncy" cheques. This is the reason they are being phased out - they are an unreliable means of payment, unsecure and wide open to fraud. Remember, banks do not and never have checked the signatures on your cheques when they are presented unless the amouint is quite large (£10,000). Every day cheques sent through the post are intercepted and altered. If a fraud or mistake is made it is down to you to chase up the bank and try and recover your money; a massively time-consuming and stress-filled endeavour!!!
Dennis .
Posted: 05 November 2010 11:25:18(UTC)

Joined: 26/12/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,018

Is everyone aware that cheques are still commonly used in France for the simple reason that it is a serious offence to write a dud cheque? If you do you have your account frozen and you get fined by the governement, the result is that you often see cheques being written in supermarkets, all the checkout operator asks to see is your identity card.
Dennis .
Posted: 05 November 2010 11:27:55(UTC)

Joined: 26/12/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,018

neil shearn

I am reminded of the story of the old rich man who wanted to be buried with his money. So his relatives put a cheque in the coffin with him.
Posted: 05 November 2010 12:16:09(UTC)

Joined: 13/08/2010(UTC)
Posts: 606

I don't often write personal cheques, but I could not manage without the ability to write one now and again (e.g., to pay tradesmen who do not accept card payment) - even if there were a modest fee for doing so (such as charged by some Australian banks) to cover the extra cost of processing.
But I do more often receive cheques from various sources, and I would not wish to be forced to give my bank account details to all and sundry to facilitate their direct payment to my bank account. So cheques remain essential.
Also, I manage a community account for a voluntary organisation, and cannot imagine how I would do so if we could not write cheques to settle accounts. Our experience of receiving payments direct to bank account has not been happy, and it would involve huge amounts of work to try to make all payments electronically.
So, yes, SAVE the CHEQUE!
Posted: 05 November 2010 12:29:24(UTC)

Joined: 11/05/2010(UTC)
Posts: 8

Do you ever use your chequebook?

Two or three times a week!
Posted: 05 November 2010 12:54:24(UTC)

Joined: 24/09/2010(UTC)
Posts: 11

Chazza said: "it would involve huge amounts of work to try to make all payments electronically."

Really? So rather than filling in a simple on-line form it is easier to handwrite a cheque, fill in the info on the cheque stub, handwrite an envelope and go to the post office with it. When the recipient gets it he then has to go to his bank with it or post it further himself.

Come on!

Without wishing to have vitriol heaped on me by Mike V, I have to say that it is simply a matter of over-conservative British reluctance to change. There are better ways of doing things!
neil shearn
Posted: 05 November 2010 16:22:34(UTC)

Joined: 17/06/2009(UTC)
Posts: 3


I enjoyed your reply but I intend to be cremated so the cheque book will be incinerated. I appreciate that if I was to be buried I would have more chance to use it!!
John Perkins
Posted: 05 November 2010 16:33:49(UTC)

Joined: 15/05/2009(UTC)
Posts: 1

If it ain't bust don't fix it! Leave cheques alone.
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