ANDREW FOSTER;273764 wrote:chazza;273750 wrote:I'm astonished that, after over 30 years of ever more confident linkage of rising global temperatures to steadily increasing levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases (especially carbon dioxide and methane), there are still people who dismiss the whole idea. Since I have retired from active combat, I won't attempt to rebut every contrarian point made above, but will simply remind you of the carbon cycle(s). Wikipedia provides a basic primer.
We simply don't know the earth's temperature over much of the globe because measurements do not exist for most of it before the post WW2 period. Almost everything before the 50's is derived from models. Models created by organisations whose starting point is a certain belief.
There's also the question of just how the temperature is recorded. And indeed, the temperature of what, exactly?
Even air temperature recorded with a directly read mercury thermometer within a well-positioned Stevenson's Screen will be affected over time by the built environment around it. Not to mention traffic, and certainly not to mention a squadron of jets scrambling off Cottesmore's runway.
However, NASA et al are now recording and disseminating ground temperature. Or rather, they aren't recording ground temperature at all, but what a model thinks the ground temperature might be, having taken a look from their satellites.
"Ground temperature refers to how hot the “surface” of the Earth would feel to the touch in a particular location. From a satellite’s point of view, the “surface” is whatever it sees when it looks through the atmosphere to the ground. It could be snow and ice, the grass on a lawn, the roof of a building, or the leaves in the canopy of a forest. "
Are these theoretical but undoubtedly higher (than air) temperatures now being bandied around without qualification?
Indeed, could it explain the disparity between Sky/ BBC's bright red forecast graphics, and
air temperatures actually recorded over the last few days around the Med?
Current Athens weather - mostly sunny, temp 37 deg C. Same forecast tomorrow
Current Rome weather - sunny, temp 36 deg C. Same forecast tomorrow.