what me worry?;298304 wrote:When they were here, the Romans planted vines grew grapes and made "English" wine from roman vine rootstock, and the reason it worked was that the temperature was 2 degrees higher than it is today.
Hooray, 2000 years later we have a warmer climate and English wine is winning awards all over the world. And that includes in France.
So, rock on, let the juggernaut of a 3 card trick tell us we are doomed......................
There was also the medieval warm period, which was a time of prosperity - a lot of churches were built, wine was produced, crop yields were healthy. The little ice age followed some time later. Not so much fun, although it was possible to ice skate on the Thames at least.
Periods of warmth are characterised by prosperity, growth and life. It's funny how, even in this day and age, it leads to an outbreak of flagellantism.
I recently read somebody complaining about how there is more plant growth occurring in deserts - possibly caused by higher levels of CO2.
Why do they hate life?