Aminatidi;236314 wrote:[quote=ANDREW FOSTER;236306]
Personally I don't get the families who have a grand a months worth of PCP sitting on the drive and who go on lots of holidays yet have nothing in the bank and if there's a sliding scale of sympathy they're on the absolute opposite end of it to the first group of people I mentioned.
I'd focus on their choices rather than how much a pack of pasta costs when the first group will struggle to even pay for that without having to decide what to give up to pay for it.
This, right here, is one of the biggest problems, 'easy' credit. A friend told me of a family of four living down the road from her. They're always complaining they have no money, yet they have four cars (two parents, two adult kids), all leased, sitting on their driveway, and they're not cheap cars either, merc's, audi's etc. Its just madness. Some will say why shouldn't they spend their money on nice things when others do, fine, says I, just don't complain when you run out of money.
I also listened to the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 the other day. This guy called in who, between his wife and himself, earn £90K, apparently they were struggling and demanded the government do something to help them as well as the low earners.....I have no words...
Edit: I believe the chap who called in didn't have any kids either, just him and his wife