bingo;273833 wrote:Anthony French;273824 wrote:AJ Bell offers 6% on a deposit account but it's a stand alone
account and u can't transfer funds from your SIPP into it.
I am trying to replicate a deposit account but am willing
to accept 5% from a gilt.
Ah, I'd assumed you meant the gilts themselves were replicating a deposit account. Will be interesting to follow what you end up doing, i've found no way to replicate two year fixed term deposit(s) with associated protection inside a SIPP.
He does mean that the "gilts themselves were replicating a deposit account"!
He's proposing to buy TR25 with a 5% coupon, currently priced close to par. He plans to get the 5% "interest" up front, tax free in a SIPP - rather like a 20 month fixed-rate deposit account, but a whole lot easier to arrange from within a SIPP. Like a fixed-rate deposit account, there might be a cost in closing it early; unlike a fixed rate-deposit account, there might be a profit in closing early. As long as you are prepared to hold to maturity, the returns are entirely predictable and guaranteed.
I've bought similar high-coupon Gilts in tax wrappers, though I was locking-in for longer than I could get with a fixed-rate deposit account.
To answer the OP's question, bear in mind that the price you will pay when buying TR25 will include the proportion of the upcoming 7th Sep 6-monthly coupon that has accumulated since 7th March. Nothing is free!