Some financial historian posit that the golden time to have bought Gov't debt was 1982 ..........
but 1982 was also the time to have bought Global Stocks .............
So much for the supposed -ve correlation of Bonds with Stocks !!!
Regarding the Sequence of Returns Risk, Frank Armstrong tackles the issue head-on in
'The Informed Investor' chapter 18.
Basically two bucket approach .......
+ Adequate Liquid Reserves (e.g. short-term bonds, for 5-7 years of expenses)
+ Global Equities
In bad stock years, living expenses are drawn from the 'safe' bucket.
In good stock years withdrawals are are funded by sales of equities, with the surplus topping up the safe bucket to the desired allocation.
Personally in late retirement, moving monies steadily from Cash (much in broker accounts), plus a smidgen of USD Treasuries and TIPS, into Stocks.
Have been waiting so patiently and so long enough for more reasonable Stock prices (OK maybe not bargain basement yet), so why not begin to build Risk/Riskless up from present circa 40/60 ?
Rather than sit bemused ?
The mention of lower Gilt prices offering more reasonable yields, is one that had also crossed the mind here, but for now concentrating efforts on selected stocks.
My view re Gilts may well swing round to align with yours in due course !!!
But since free monies are ultimately destined for Global Stocks, not spending, (since investment income flow is adequate for our needs), prefer USD Treasuries to sidestep currency risk.
Trust these rambling thoughts make sense.