Optimist;243253 wrote:The one thing that annoys me is the seemingly unlimited timescale brexiteers have awarded themselves to call it a success.
They will however be dying off at an faster rate than remainers so eventually they will run out of time one way or another.
The 'grown-up, dispassionate' bit barely survived first contact, I see.
A success is my answer. It removed us from an increasingly undemocratic behemoth which needs ever closer union to survive. That's it.
Those pushing for abolition of the HoL would correctly claim success at the moment of change. Likewise those who want to abolish the monarchy.
Likewise those, like me, who want our politicians to be directly accountable to me. I want to choose them, and get rid of them.
A remorseless loss of sovereignty is categorically undemocratic - if nothing else, witness the alacrity with which our elected politicians delegated more and more responsibility to the nameless, faceless bureaucrats. Less and less accountability for them so less and less influence available to us. There are enough supranational organisations sucking power from nation states as it is, without also tying ourselves to this particular protectionist construct.
It also make Scottish independence less likely, not more imo. But that's up to my neighbours anyway.
The biggest disappointment has been the number of people who only believe in democracy if they get their own way.
A middle class tantrum sneering at the 'thickos who believed in Nige or Boris' is on a par with the imbeciles chucking soup at a painting. And just as ineffectual.
Maybe their parents should have said no a bit more.
Edit. Sorry about the last para., 'Optimist'. That dispassionate bit is hard isn't it ;-)