ANDREW FOSTER;257313 wrote:Robert D;257308 wrote:
And one where they don't riot about foreigners moving in
LOL really?
I guess you aren't including France, Belgium, Germany and even Sweden in that group then.
All have had mass rioting related to refugees and asylum seekers.
Maybe you've decided to blank those from your mind?
Let me refresh your memory... Robert D is the ultimate Little Englander. Obviously not well travelled at all, his knowledge of the outside world is informed by what self loathing, left wing demagogues write and broadcast. The only difference between him and the usual Little Englander is that he is in the unhappy position of hating the place he is from.
The grown up questions are harder to answer. Courage is needed to ask them, maturity and intelligence needed to answer them well. Sadly, we don't really have many grown ups. Not amongst the general population, and certainly not in the governing classes. Not just here, but elsewhere in the world, despite what Robert D thinks.
Of course, the middle class hand wringers such as Tim D, who live on the northern fringes of Scotland and in other safe havens well away from migrant centres, who haven't taken any refugees into their own homes, shake their heads from afar. But like those New England folk who Ron De Santis sent a few coachloads to... their attitudes may prove to be fickle - although they'll have their rationalisations, which work for them.