ANDREW FOSTER;254586 wrote:Right now Russia is preparing half a million troops and 800 upgraded T62 tanks. At some point these will hit a single point like a sledgehammer. The front will break and the Russians don't care if they lose 700 tanks doing it. Classic Soviet doctrine. It will make Prokhorovka look like a skirmish.
But isn't that pretty much what the glory run on Kiev in the early days of the war was supposed to be? A sledgehammer blow. But it failed, apparently largely due to logistics incompetence (and heroic Ukrainian efforts, of course). And that was before Ukraine had HIMARS, a weapon system designed for the express purpose of killing the logistical hubs needed to pull off mass tank assaults. 800 tanks are of limited use if their ammo dumps and fuel depots keep exploding behind them.
Sticking too stubbornly to "Classic Soviet Doctrine" may well be what'll ultimately lose the war for Russia, if they cannot adapt to changing modern battlefield realities.
Certainly agree tanks for Ukraine would be a good thing.
I do remember seeing a clip from Russian TV (possibly via the "War Translated" Twitter guy) with some pundit saying something like "what the West doesn't understand is that there is no level of losses that we regard as unacceptable". But having read some histories of the WWII Eastern Front, I can see where the attitude comes from. And so the meatgrinder will continue, until something more decisive happens.