Felice;255813 wrote:There is nothing on the IG website that mentions tax treatment of the portfolio. The whole thrust of their marketing guff is that the smart portfolio makes investing simple. But if I am going to have to work out every single loss or gain on trades, then it will become a nightmare.
And how much profit has this made you compared with the dull alternative of sticking it all in a buy-and-hold-forever passive fund (a Vanguard Lifestrategy, say)? How does that profit look if you account for the amount of your time and/or accountant's fees it's going to need to handle the tax side?
(Oh, and I see "smart portfolio" manages an array of ETFs... are you aware of "excess reportable income"? Have IG looked that up for you and included it in the tax certificate? If they haven't, are you?)
I see this story repeated endlessly in countless investing forums. Punters get dollar signs in their eyes over FX, crypto, meme-stocks, CFDs... whatever... and think the way to riches is to trade trade trade (or to have some "robo adviser" do it for them)... with no conception of the amount of complexity they're storing up for themselves when tax time comes around. This has all happened before and it will all happen again.
As Thrug hints above: tax-sheltered ISA and SIPP accounts are the place to indulge these trading fantasies (even if it's having a robot do the trading for you)... outside of them you really want to keep it simple: find something you can stick with, buy it, hold it. If you don't you'll end up needing to learn a lot more about the tax system than you ever will about the assets you're investing in.