It is not all about us; I am happy for my taxes to be used to make lives better for people, whom many are happy to exploit. I would rather that than to spend taxpayers money arming rebels wherever, because the bottom line is that whether it is governments or rebels, it is just the massacre of women, rape of them & children; whether it is Iraq or Afghanistan, our warring with other nations is immoral.
As already stated, it is not just about us & our standards of living; would you rather have these people turning up on our borders, getting ripped of by traffickers; in women & children?
Only those who are selfish, buy into the capitalistic monster of greed can stand by & watch us making profits from the sales of arms, ammunition, war heads, nuclear or otherwise, & still expect no foreign aid to others.
Countries like India, Pakistan maybe able to afford nuclear weapons which we helped them to acquire, but their politicians, like our Dave & his cronies, are not interested in making life better for the poorer, just for their fund rollers, the bankers, the businesses in foreign islands! This has been proven over & over again, so why we believe any politician these days, beats me!