I moved my SIPP into drawdown a couple of years ago, taking the 25% lump sum. I draw only £12,500 a year and therefore pay no income tax. Prior to the budget I was concerned that growth of the drawdown pot could breach the LTA in a few years.
In order to reduce the risks of this happening, I put my low growth assets in my SIPP, with my high growth assets in ISAs and my wife's trading account, taking advantage of her non-taxpayer status.
Now that the LTA has gone, this needs some reconsideration.
I suspect a future Labour administration will either leave things alone, or if they do reimpose a new LTA, it will be higher (say £2m). Otherwise, they'll be accused of bashing the doctors.
By coincidence, the CGT relief is due to be reduced to £3,000 in the next 2 years. Accordingly, it makes sense to shift my low growth assets into my wife's account and hold high growth assets in my SIPP.
Clearly there is a fair bit of guesswork and speculation involved with all this. It's perhaps more a shift in emphasis than anything else.
Anyone else thinking along the same lines?