I am in a similar position to you, having just retired with both a pension and a SIPP which I intend to take and exhaust if I can through flexible drawdown so as to save the eventual 55% tax on final payment to relatives.
First of all, to take flexible drawdown you have to have separate pensions totalling £20,000 in income each year. You have not mentioned that you have this and so if not, perhaps you should sacrifice some of your Pension to buy an annuity to do this, so as to give you the ability to do flexable drawdown.
Secondly you say you are going to take £5K tax free. It is my uinderstanding that you can only take the tax free element in one go but up to 25% of the capital sum. I would have thought it was far better to take that 25%, (£137,500) immediately and trickle feed it in to an ISA year by year so that your subsequent income is increasingly tax free and you have full control over that capital. Alternatively, you could live on the capital and pass regular sums to your relatives (IHT exemption - regular gifts out of income) so as to reduce your estate to IHT limits, as this seems to be an area you may be worried about.
Once you have taken the maximum capital sum and ensured you have other pensions of £20,000 then you could take as much as you can out of your SIPP each year, certainly to keep you within the 40% band and maybe even pay 40% so as to eventually avoid the 55% band.
Hope that helps