Rookie Investor;292308 wrote:You can try taking these cowboy builders to court (which i am sure you have considered). Even if they are now trading under a new ltd company, doesn't necessarily mean you can't have a claim and get some money back.
If you made significant payments to a personal account, a judge might consider the claim against the individual rather than the ltd company.
Or even if a new ltd company is set up and previous being unwound, you could lodge a claim against the previous ltd still and if you win you would be a creditor so have a claim of any proceeds from a ltd liquidation. But best to do this sooner.
Thanks Rookie, yes I'm on the creditors list, along with other clients (in a queue behind HMRC and a couple of banks). Unfortunately I paid the company, not an individual as I always thought it was safer and more legitimate, but those who dodged the VAT and paid into the Director's account apparently have a better chance of recovering something than I do (though not much perhaps as he is pleading poverty!).
Sorry to derail thread! On the question of who goes bust next, how about Crypto exchanges struggling now that investors can buy an ETF from the likes of Blackrock in the US, instead of holding BTC directly?