Sold 40% of my ULVR holding on the back of todays good news and will go back in at 4100p in the future if it ever drops.
Added to LGEN, INPP, and Vanguard Sterling MMF in the meantime to incrase dividend yield on that cash. Both shares are looking good value with solid dividends.
When the FSF transaction goes through in Q3 weighing up BRWM which is looking at a reasonable price (with some discount still and good yield), a bit more INPP w, and some JEGI as I am light in EU still.
Over the next few months will also be looking to rotate some profit out of SSE when it hits 1900p if there are suitable alternatives to migrate the cash into.
Overall goals are still for a mix of roughly 25% global equity, 25% EU and UK equities, 25% energy/utilities, 25% infrastructure and REITS so everything heading in that direction.