GSF, this really interesting piece just popped into my Google Finance feed, from Energy Storage News. There is a view that Trump won’t be able to cancel EXISTING tax credits, even if he wanted to.
“Meanwhile, financial services Morningstar has reported that renewables operator EDP Renewables’ (EDPR) shares have fallen by approximately 30% following the election of Donald Trump. Morningstar says the sector is undervalued and that tax credits, including ITCs, will be very hard to repeal.
“Existing tax credits cannot be repealed before their expiration, and pulling forward the expiration of the IRA tax credits for new projects before 2032 will require approval from Congress, which might prove challenging since most renewables’ projects are installed in red states,” the firm said in a note.
Continuing, “Our base case scenario is that the expiration will be pulled forward to 2027, but due to safe harboring, projects commissioned up to 2031 would still be entitled to tax credits as long as 5% of the projects’ investments have been spent in 2027.”