I suppose it depends on what you're getting into having gotten out of equities. In most cases you'll be swapping one risk for another. Cash, for example, is almost certain to underperform over a long time horizon, and if higher inflation becomes the norm, then what seems like enough now, can quickly erode.
Also, how do we know how much is enough, when life can throw so many curve balls? It isn't just market crashes that can derail our best laid plans.
Personally, I will always hold equities (and private equity) in order to benefit from compounded growth over time, while keeping sufficient liquidity to act as a cash buffer / dry powder to take advantage of market falls. Having said that, my equities exposure is currently pretty low for various reasons, and I'm building up fixed income exposure in the SIPP. I will increase equities again when I can.
On the global dividend ITs... JGGI looks better than the rest currently, but is that because it's partly become a growth fund and pays dividends out of capital?