Yes, well envy has always been at the root of the socialist mission. And the results are probably why the ancients defined it as a deadly sin.
Anyway, whether we get Uniparty Blue or Uniparty Red at the next election won't make much difference. Between them, they've been wrecking the country for decades.
Now we are in a "technical recession", which is clown world, treasury speak for: we can't hide the obvious anymore. GDP per capita flat lining for the past 20 years, sky high national debt, a debased currency, mountains of regulation, high taxes, ongoing inflation, and the net zero nuttiness driving what industry we have to other countries. Then there is the absolutely vast public sector, hoovering up labour to do fake work that is ultimately damaging to the fabric of society.
All allied to decades of anti-natalism and unrestricted mass colonisation. You become what you import: a low-IQ, low skill, low effort, low trust nation of sly, surly shirkers.
There's no quarter-of-one-percent tweak here or there that can fix this now. And anybody who is mad enough to think either of the main political parties can make this better might as well be a dribbling loony in a mental asylum.