MarkSp;296641 wrote:I know have eU passports for my kids
Wangling mine is going to be more difficult but, that is my master plan in the event of disaster
Which is going to achieve what exactly? In most of those countries you'll be just another foreigner who they don't want, although you'll be more exploitable since you will be one of the minority who has money to steal. Everything that is going wrong here is at least as bad there, which is why they're voting for right wing governments who they hope will clear up the catastrophic mess that has been created. Except the elites, and especially those unelected lot in charge of the EU, are doubling down. They're not going to stop until they're forcefully removed from the levers of power, so ask yourself if things are likely to get better or worse based on the observable trajectories.
Those DEI commissars who were humiliating you at the school - do you not think that is going on in the European countries? Their migrant crisis is even worse because of geography, and in the likes of France they leave massive numbers of them festering in the streets in cardboard cities. They hate them, but they hate us as well. Little Englanders you say? Try selling English cheeses in a French market - as we would take as normal in the reverse - and you will have the shit kicked out of you. And France is one of the more civilized parts. Net Zero, over regulation, high taxes - all strangling the European economies and way of life as they are ours.
In Denmark, the average Danish family is having 1.3 children - the average Muslim migrant family, feasting on their generous benefits system, is averaging 5 children. Boring old Sweden has no go areas and is one of the grenades capitals of the world. French cities are full of estates the police won't go into. Germany is faltering under all the pressures. The Dutch and Italians are furious. The Eastern Europeans... those countries have a lot of promise but... they're very close to Russia, they don't tend to speak English much, and they will want to know why you're there if you go for more than just a holiday. Also corrupt by our standards as are Spain and Portugal. Those two could be ok otherwise, if you don't mind waiting 9 months to get a drivers licence, which takes 2 days here, and their economies suck and things could turn nasty when the going gets tough. Speaking of which, are you fluent in any European languages?
Dark times are coming for us and for Europe. Just be careful you don't jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. Most of Europe has next to no history of being free - most of them have been dictatorships in the recent past, and then rushed into the EU - and the average attitude is a lot less liberal and welcoming than here.
You're better off staying here and fighting for what you believe it should be - not allowing yourself to be dominated by garbage, and being a victim. It's time for people to stop being scared: standing up for themselves and what they are. Because there's literally nowhere else in the world you or your children will ever be able to call home in the true sense, and once it is gone, that's it. This is what it boils down to.
None of the options are going to be ideal. Maybe some English nationalism won't be a bad thing? Nobody complains when the French do it and why are we expected to be dopey lemmings? The fact of the matter is, we are now hosting various communities who are more ethnocentric than we are, not less. And a lot of them hate us. They are encouraged to hate us and we are encouraged to hate ourselves. These are some of the hard facts we need to start facing up to. There are noble and English ways to go about it all, perhaps, and hopefully the outcomes will be less extreme than they're bound to be in Europe. It is what it is, the Boomer truth regime is coming to an end, and the mess they've left us will need to be addressed.
I would prepare to bed in here, plan for a harder future, understand the basic facts of the situation, work with others of like mind to create better and more resilient structures and ways of doing things. Equip your children for handling harder times than you've ever had to deal with. A smeg fridge breaking is of very little significance in this bigger, very real picture.
Whoever wins the next election - that's window dressing. Mannequins and costumes, shallow messages. Basically a waste of everybody's time if the usual suspects win. We have to see through all the smoke and mirrors. The idiots and grifters running this country, and not just the politicians but the permanent state, do not care about us. They don't know what they're doing. Most of what they do, they do badly. Less is more where these guys are concerned. Vote accordingly, but remember, there's a lot more to being a citizen than just voting and outsourcing to others.