L60 (or any other 60/40) is still a one stop shop for the majority of investors regardless of experience and therefore it goes without saying, it is my largest holding.
However, I also hold a good chunk of CGT and I have recently been adding to HSBC Global Balanced.
Since I have been reminded yet again (during this recent bond/interest rates turmoil) that a rising tide lifts all ships (and the opposite of course), I have it in mind that my whole portfolio could comprise of just these three funds, and over the medium term, I will be more than happy with a 6% return per annum.
HSBC Global Balanced is a good alternative to run alongside L60 as it offers a little bit of exposure to alternatives/property and I believe the performance will ebb and flow alongside Vanguards.
As for CGT, I am pretty damn sure that they are better placed to add value by trading IT’s etc than I am or that I am intending to be very soon (planning a lot of travelling). I also expect CGT to outperform L60/HSBCGB as interest rates unwind and even if they don’t and we end up in that recession that is so obvious to everyone that governments cannot fudge the numbers for an election year.
If we charted all three we will more than likely find that they all revert to the mean (which I like) but I do not like the idea of a ‘one stop’ shop.
Disclosure: 57 - retired although not in drawdown yet - 3 years living expenses in cash (or close to cash) - Vanguards funds held on their own platform and the rest on HL.