I use LifeStrategy 60% as a benchmark for my 50%:50% portfolio and a challenge I regularly pose is "why wouldn't you put all your pot in LS60?".
To delve into this I've pulled together some historical performance statistics using every month end price on the accumulation units from when the fund first started in June 2011. Source: Vanguard website (excellent data export by the way in "Professional Investors" tab)

So for example, in my 3 year figures above there are 120 3-year periods using month ends since June 2011. There has never been a negative 3 year spell on that basis and in fact the worst you would have got is 1.0% per annum. The best you would have got is 11.4% per annum.
I'm going to let this sit and swirl for a while but immediate reactions are:
1. This looks like a solid set of numbers (noting the equity bull run of course)
2. 7% per annum is decently more than I need not to run out of money
Anyway, sharing here, hope it is of interest to some