Aminatidi;303195 wrote:Hmm there's a theme here so let's turn this on its head a bit.
If I said.
* Stable (barring randomly losing my job) net income of £3.2K a month.
* £2-6K in current account depending on time of month but never drops below £2K
* £20K in instant savings account at bank
* £26K in NS&I index linked certs
* £10K credit card limit paid in full every month
Would the general view by that's just way too much cash to justify?
Appreciate this is a personal thing but of the £20K in instant savings what's the lowest you'd be comfortable taking that down to?
I literally don't touch most of those pots but I'm struggling slightly with how much I should drop down to.
I'm also struggling to think of a situation where I might need that sort of cash literally immediately.
Psychology eh!
Minimum I’d personally go down to for that £20k (which I assume is your sort of emergency fund ‘proper’?) is whatever 6-7 months of living expenses comes to. And that’s also pretty much my maximum!
But I do mean 6-7 months living expenses rather than 6-7 months income. So if it were me I’d take that £3.2k net, minus out monthly investments and some discretionary spending (leave yourself a bit of discretionary in case of job loss, maybe £200 or so per month) and multiply it by 7. Whatever that ends up at is what I would personally consider reasonable.
The £26k in index linked NS&I is probably a tricky one psychologically! Because it will pay you RPI with no volatility, and once you liquidate them they cannot be replaced as they no longer exist for new customers. TBH, for me, I might consider tying up the £26k as worth it just to spite the spendthrifts in Westminster who really don’t like debt they have to somewhat honestly pay back some day! But in reality, the money would probably work harder for you if used to buy some decent investments instead! It’s a tough one though.