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Anthony French
Tug Boat
Posted: 27 April 2024 13:50:54(UTC)

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Well, I’ve endured KL.

But I have to say you have taken his crown.

Had a good time here but I’m off, the spammer has killed me.

37 users thanked Tug Boat for this post.
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Luca Brasi
Posted: 27 April 2024 14:32:21(UTC)

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Don't blame you I feel the same, a constant barage of drivel from a 'Merchant Banker'
10 users thanked Luca Brasi for this post.
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Busy doing nothing
Posted: 27 April 2024 15:35:19(UTC)

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Just use the "Hide user posts" option on the drop down menu, no need to leave.
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s patel
Posted: 27 April 2024 18:29:56(UTC)

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That would be a pity.

You are one of the saner and amusing voices here.
24 users thanked s patel for this post.
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Elspeth Beaton
Posted: 27 April 2024 20:27:48(UTC)

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Hide user posts works well for me
A good financial advice board is worth fighting for-I am staying put and rather enjoying the many blanked out posts
I noticed the same effect with spam calls on my phone
Ignore and/or block and then it’s who can last the longest-won all my battles -so far
Anything that’s worth something is worth fighting for
“Don’t let the b…………down”!
11 users thanked Elspeth Beaton for this post.
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Posted: 27 April 2024 20:45:29(UTC)

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Tug Boat;303950 wrote:
Well, I’ve endured KL.

But I have to say you have taken his crown.

Had a good time here but I’m off, the spammer has killed me.


He is a total twat, sometimes posts something decent. Next drivel and pish. Master of copy and paste. No need to leave a good forum.. As i said before he just gets off on it. Sad .
6 users thanked Dentmaster for this post.
Jay P on 27/04/2024(UTC), Lesley J on 27/04/2024(UTC), stephen_s on 27/04/2024(UTC), Sheerman on 27/04/2024(UTC), Mr GL on 28/04/2024(UTC), gillyann on 09/05/2024(UTC)
Mostly Retired
Posted: 27 April 2024 20:59:16(UTC)

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A public forum gets all sorts - some brilliant , some deluded, some destructive.

I find it not too difficult to ignore those that I find are just trying to wind up, be mendacious or just plain annoying. I very much keep in mind that I am looking for challenge, not an echo chamber.

I will rarely if ever complain about individual posters, as I have no idea of their background or agenda. I just ignore some, praise others and feel "why did I not see that" with a somewhat smaller group.

On balance the warts on this forum are far outweighed by the majority of thoughtful, provocative and helpful people. So, I can cope with some minor irritations :)
8 users thanked Mostly Retired for this post.
Jay P on 27/04/2024(UTC), MartynC on 27/04/2024(UTC), Sheerman on 27/04/2024(UTC), Frank Spencer on 28/04/2024(UTC), Harry Trout on 28/04/2024(UTC), bill xxxx on 28/04/2024(UTC), Mr GL on 28/04/2024(UTC), Jeff Liddiard on 30/04/2024(UTC)
Simon Martin
Posted: 27 April 2024 21:01:39(UTC)

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I dont often post comments on this forum, but am very appreciative of the many posters who provide interesting points of view, whilst at the same time being for the most part respectful to each other.

However this French chap is a complete troll and a narcissist - his onerous comments and his cut and paste technique is ruining this forum.

I will be blocking him as well.
12 users thanked Simon Martin for this post.
Jay P on 27/04/2024(UTC), Lesley J on 27/04/2024(UTC), stephen_s on 27/04/2024(UTC), Sheerman on 27/04/2024(UTC), Dentmaster on 27/04/2024(UTC), ty bgt on 27/04/2024(UTC), Jasper40 on 27/04/2024(UTC), Guest on 28/04/2024(UTC), Harry Trout on 28/04/2024(UTC), Mr GL on 28/04/2024(UTC), Chalky W on 30/04/2024(UTC), gillyann on 09/05/2024(UTC)
Tony Peterson
Posted: 27 April 2024 21:19:20(UTC)

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As I cannot take seriously anyone who cannot spell as basic a word as the second personal pronoun in English he doesn't trouble me. I'd be sorry to lose Tug Boat though.Or anyone else.

13 users thanked Tony Peterson for this post.
Sheerman on 27/04/2024(UTC), ty bgt on 27/04/2024(UTC), Dentmaster on 27/04/2024(UTC), Jasper40 on 27/04/2024(UTC), Jay P on 27/04/2024(UTC), Dan L on 27/04/2024(UTC), Frank Spencer on 28/04/2024(UTC), Harry Trout on 28/04/2024(UTC), Mr GL on 28/04/2024(UTC), OmegaMale on 28/04/2024(UTC), Chalky W on 30/04/2024(UTC), James Wood on 30/04/2024(UTC), Jeff Liddiard on 30/04/2024(UTC)
Posted: 27 April 2024 21:36:33(UTC)

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Tony Peterson;303970 wrote:
As I cannot take seriously anyone who cannot spell as basic a word as the second personal pronoun in English he doesn't trouble me. I'd be sorry to lose Tug Boat though.Or anyone else.

Apart from xick head
2 users thanked Dentmaster for this post.
Jay P on 27/04/2024(UTC), Simon Martin on 28/04/2024(UTC)
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