Dexi;304333 wrote:Neminem Laedit;304306 wrote:Is there anything worth staying for here in this clownshow country? .
Maybe the NHS ? In some countries , private health care is the only option for expats . Seems a shame to pay a lifetime of taxes and then miss out on free medical treatment . Dental - that`s another matter !
Getting to see a GP let alone a referral to a specialist of hospital is proving to be difficult.
Even more so for those who are working and have a career.
Getting on a phone call at 8am in the morning and hoping to get access is anywhere between a hope and a prayer.
Yet the individual who bears little little in the way of economic consideration let alone participation just perches up at the doorstep of the surgery and does not leave until they are seen or an appointment is made.
The new trend seems to be that they get their offspring to work P/T within the NHS and thus allows them access and thus manage the booking and scheduling all whilst maintaining their right to receive a barage full of benefits.
Yet the mugs who try to achieve better can not only work their socks off, pay private care costs, but also should take pride in paying taxes for the imbecile whom feels it their right to claim off the state, and determine if you need to see a medical practitioner despite not being able differentiate between a cough and and sneeze.
Yet if you do manage to navigate through all this, then, the treatment and medical service you get on the NHS is but excellent.
So just like a pension you need to determine if you can get past the crap to the stage where you can actually receive the benefits and fruits for which you have saved and paid taxes all your working life.