I am new here and I just want to know what do you think about investing in the TriodosBank Depository Receipst (DR) (kind of stocks with a limited voting decision in the bank) that are not in the regular stock market, but in a paralel trade platform (MTF).
In the bad side:
The liquidity of this DR is not good, due to the fact to be trade in a MTF.
The trading is done once a week.
Triodos aparently broke the rules of the agreement with the original investors of the DR.
In the good side:
The health of the bank is acceptable, with no warnings of the dutch regulators and a calification for a long term debt of BBB as per Fitch rating.
They pay dividends per DR, and here comes why I am thinking about it, in the past years this dividend was about 3 or 4 euros per share and this year, apparently they will pass the 4 euros, what is about a 13% of pay back per DR. The actual price of the DR is 29,5 euros for each.
Share what you think if you don't mind and thank you for your time.