ben ski;324152 wrote:Far left and far right are both collectivist cults, and examples of how people are politicised to become pawns for an elite that doesn't care about them or their phoney politics one bit.
But to get this Marxist nonsense out of our legal system and media, it has to be regulated out of higher education... There's no point fighting it on the streets or comments sections – universities are indoctrination camps for this stuff, and often little else... Fighting and division is what they want.
The Tories made a small and rather late attempt to tackle this with the so called free speech on campus bill that was on the verge of passing into law a few months ago. This current government cancelled it immediately.
I think we need to reduce funding for most humanities and arts courses and allow a lot of the universities to either shrink or close down. There will be a societal benefit from that alone, although some of the money saved should be spent on developing useful skills which we are lacking in our economy.
By the way, you might be interested in this book:
"Days of Rage: America's Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence" (Bryan Burrough)
It discusses the now forgotten period of leftist violence in the US during the 1970s. It has been memory holed because it portrays the Left, i.e. the regime, in a poor light. Note the comparison with the glowing memories of the 1960s which we hear a lot about. By the 70s though, the Left had become emboldened and engaged in a murderous campaign of violence intended to change US society. There were 2000 bombing incidents in 1972 alone. Most people will be amazed to read this. Actually, I think the fifth Dirty Harry film was something of a reference to what was going on. Here's the key part, which links to your post: some of the most violent culprits, who spent years in prison, ended up as professors at well known universities! Just consider what that says about how the academic landscape must look, not to mention the wider effects.
In this country something like half of young people are spending several years in these places...