Raj K;312688 wrote:John Bran;312687 wrote:Raj K;312686 wrote:John Bran;312685 wrote:Raj K;312547 wrote:Maybe this is all KARMA. For centuries the native english went and invaded nearly 170 countries across the world( google says that) , no doubt causing havoc and hell. Now every tom, dick and harry is invading the UK and creating the same hell. Maybe its generational KARMA, a lot of angry people carrying generational TRAUMA.
The UK may have to wait until all the dues are paid (from a KARMAIC perspective) . Blame the ancestors.
I wonder what postion England would be in if they had just kept to themselves and focused on making this island the best it could be in a different way.
Let me explain something to you Raj I couldn't give a shit what passed generations did. I am not responsible for anyones behaviour other than my own.
Your obvious belief that the present generation pay for perceived bad behaviour of past generations is simply sick.
I will not pay for
I dont like it either but who knows what higher powers are at work. Maybe we can each find out when we leave this planet and if one believes there is someone we can ask i.e. a GOD
Sorry if i offended you , not intended.
okay im a liar, i intented to offend John Bran and im sick , are you happy? Seiously mate you keep on attacking BB on other threads even though you clearly dont get on with the way he puts things across and instead of just being polite or ignoring it. You keep on referring to him and saying 'snide 'comments.
Are you going to start attacking me becuase i talked about something called Ancestral KARMA which was only a topic for discussion not something to get your knickers in a twist about.
I would suggest keep your nasty religious beliefs to yourself
Brahmins: Priests and intellectuals who are believed to have come from Brahma's head
Kshatriyas: Warriors and rulers who are believed to have come from Brahma's arms
Vaishyas: Traders and landowners who are believed to have come from Brahma's thighs
Shudras: Manual laborers who are believed to have come from Brahma's feet
A religious beliefs that enslaves people based on the family they were born into.
Know wonder you think we are responsible for everything that is wrong in the world. We deserve it as are great great great grandfather was very nasty. Well some of them were. Not that that matters we are related therefore we should be punished like those untouchables who must suffer in this life for what their ancestors did.