I rather take the opposite view - that it'll have little or no effect. Other than a few high profile cases like Starbucks and Google etc., there is little evidence that mainstream UK-based international companies of the type that we all invest in via the London Stock Exchange evade tax so significantly that paying a 'standard' tax rate would fundamentally affect the value of UK companies and indices. Also, as with so many things devised by politicians, there is a confused message here; on the one hand Governments vie with each other to LOWER Corporation Tax rates to attract businesses to their shores and offer incentives such as Capital Allowances and The Patent Box to induce them to invest by offsetting these costs against CT.........and then publicly lambast them when they do! Of course it's hard to swallow when companies use obviously phoney schemes to shift profits made in one country to another with a lower tax rate (I sold something on Ebay to another UK resident but noted that the transaction seemed to go via Luxembourg!), but human nature is such that if there's a legal way to do it, they will. Who here doesn't use ISA's and how bad do you feel about that? Some commentators even advocate doing away with Corporation Tax altogether. There would then be a 'level playing field' for all companies, net profits would be correspondingly higher leading to higher company valuations, greater investment and it is likely that the tax take would more than be recouped via higher (taxed) dividends and Capital Gains taxes.
Whether the politicians pull it off or not, I won't be losing much sleep over it.