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Going to be painful....
Tim D
Posted: 28 August 2024 16:59:24(UTC)

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Taltunes;317238 wrote:
MBA MBA;317236 wrote:
Hang on1
This’could be a political tactic. You say how painful the budget is going to be, then it’s painful but not that painful just a little and relief sets in and people think ‘they’re not that bad’.
Normally political parties dont say in advance that a budget is going to be painful

One - you can only pull off that trick once (or at least you should only be able to)


Two - I think the budget is going to be painful (and would have been whoever won the election)

The Tories spent their entire 14 years reminding us about the previous outgoing government's "I'm afraid there is no money" note. I think we can safely assume Labour will be doing much the same with mentions of the "£22billion black hole" throughout however many terms they manage. Just the way the game is played.

Usually budget pain is accompanied by some token bits of feelgood compensation, just to give politicians something to "but what about...?" divert criticism onto. I wonder what we might get? e.g I've seen it suggested we might get indexation back (great, just as inflation is back down) as a sop to CGT rates being raised to income tax levels.
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Tug Boat
Posted: 28 August 2024 17:18:18(UTC)

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I had a relaxant a few years ago. It was fantastic.

Then they put the thing - there’s a term - down my throat whilst forcing my mouth open with some steel contraption.

They examined my stomach.

I was retching for ten minutes.

I did not have what they feared and was grateful to them, although a bit weak and needing some help.

I think October’s budget may have a similar effect, but with more lasting consequences.
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Posted: 28 August 2024 18:19:39(UTC)

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Tugboat you are giving endoscopy an unnecessarily bad name. I would definitely recommend taking the sedative option and they spray your throat with anaesthetic to stop retching and the whole thing is over in a few minutes. Hiatus hernia and a schatzki ring sadly.

Wait until they show you your own prostate. (It’s painless)

It is just as well god didn’t give our internals a nervous system.
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Tim D
Posted: 28 August 2024 19:49:55(UTC)

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IFS + Dan Neidle with an interesting podcast on "What options does the Chancellor have for raising taxes in the October Budget?"
(First 30s is a bit random; not sure if it's a bad edit or supposed to be a teaser clip. Actual intro starts about 30s in.)

No surprises: pensions and CGT (other "scraping around the barrel" stuff considered too, but without much enthusiasm. Except maybe for council tax reform.)
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Newbie on 28/08/2024(UTC), bill xxxx on 28/08/2024(UTC)
Posted: 28 August 2024 20:13:04(UTC)

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Maybe they could call the new policy 'austerity' or something like that 😏
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Guest on 29/08/2024(UTC)
Posted: 28 August 2024 20:15:14(UTC)

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ANDREW FOSTER;317345 wrote:

Maybe they could call the new policy 'austerity' or something like that 😏

or perhaps 'mean reversion'
Posted: 28 August 2024 20:19:56(UTC)

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Salary sacrifice could get the chop?
There's no justification for it imo.
Seemed to take off under Blair.

Would be quite expensive for businesses though, to be faced with large e'ER NI contribs all of a sudden.
Probably moreso if folk are incentivised to reduce their pensions contributions.
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Tim D on 28/08/2024(UTC), Sara G on 28/08/2024(UTC)
Posted: 29 August 2024 09:28:12(UTC)

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OK I`m just guessing , but I think the next budget will be mainly political drama ( as always ) and not really about raising tax , after all , the claimed " 20 billion black hole " has mainly been created by Labour itself with their big pay rises for the public sector and vanity projects such as the Sovereign wealth fund and British Energy .
Expect Taxes on wealth and un-earned income and capital gains as well as inheritance .
A title for the new policy could be " We`re going to reorganise the economy , and Tory voters are going to pay for it ".
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Robin B
Posted: 29 August 2024 09:52:24(UTC)

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What people will learn to do is keep their money as hidden, static and unspent as possible for the next 5 years until this god awful, undemocratic government is disposed of.

What will increase is the number of people willing to vote at the next General Election and that, in itself, will be game over for this shower. What remains unknown is what form the replacement will take; this is the story that will keep moving and developing over the next few years. Any serious contender will need to be willing to dismantle all the Blairite structures we are trapped within.

In the meantime, expect theft, control freakery, lies, hypocrisy and get used to the grey, sneering face of 2TK.
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Harry Gloom
Posted: 29 August 2024 10:43:25(UTC)

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Same old Labour - same danger is all I see so far.

2TK and his dispersal of wealth socialist experimentations

Those who are dreaming of a dewy-eyed nostalgic return to the Blair cool Britannia years may be disappointed.
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