Robin B;318223 wrote:I was going to buy more of this one earlier but was stifled by an annoying client not paying me on time! But turns out to have been for the good as the sp has kept drifting downwards throughout the day and now forms a new 52-week low as I write.
I fully intend to buy more. This is a sound business with tonnes of cash in the coffers, paying a ~7% dividended and with a PE ratio of around 8. There aren't any alarm bells about the business or its management.
I suppose this stock behaves like a canary in the coal mine for the future macro economic picturw. Will there be a US recession... Will China start firing on all cylinders... Will the price of iron fall ay further..? Will depend on Chinese stimulus and US rate actions I suppose what happens here, amongst everything else.
Still... I wonder if RIO is being over sold and this is a good opportunity to hoover up more? Or is it going to keep falling...
What say you?
I held RIO in the past and did pretty well, but got out as I felt it was rather 'peaky'. Was my biggest share for a while.
The peak seemed to have been driven on the notion of copper demand driven by very significant expansion of energy generation and automotive use for the EV bubble.
That bubble has quietly unravelled at least for the moment and I think will quietly be dropped having been kicked down the road already by five years. Nobody seems to be talking about Tesla any more and the 'me to' VW bubble has well and truly popped.
So I don't see a significant spike/surge in copper prices re-materialising again any time soon.
That affects RIO heavily, as it has done.
If the SP is sustainable at a 7.5% divvie then that starts to look attractive again as a slow cooker, but I'm not chomping at the bit to re-buy it.
I'm watching it, but think it has to go lower yet before I get itchy fingers.
Just my tuppance of course...