This paper proposes to cut the lifetime limit on tax-relieved pension savings from £1.25 million to £1 million, so don't expect pension tax to remain unchanged.
Tax relief offers important advantages to pension savers, but does little to encourage pension saving, particularly among low and medium earners.I expect that large ISA pots may also be looked upon by tax raisers.
As for age 75, there is no longer any annuity or other compulsion. HMRC and the legislation is specific:-
Is there an upper age limit for starting a drawdown pension?
[s165 Pension Rule 6]No.Can I have a tax free lump sum when I start to go into drawdown pension?Yes. This type of lump sum is called a pension commencement lump sum.
Pension v ISA.Only a pension commencement lump sum = 25% of will be tax deferred. For the other 75% it makes no difference.
Assume a lump sum investment of £x, a tax rate of t% and an annual growth of g%, invested over n years.
ISA:Invest £x, receive no tax rebate, pay no tax on withdrawal of wisa.
wisa = x * (1+g)^nPension:Invest £x, receive tax rebate at t%, pay t% tax on withdrawal of wpens
wpens = x/(1-t) * (1+g)^n * (1-t) = x * (1+g)^n = wisaIf the basic rate of tax increases, you might even lose out.