Neminem Laedit;322890 wrote:If she doesn't need it (by the sounds of it).
Give it away to children/nephews/nieces, with the instruction they put it into Bitcoin...
[Or put it into BTC herself, and gift the bitcoin]
She may avoid IHT, if she lives for 7 years [rumours are Reeves will increase this to 10 years on 30th October]
and her beneficiaries may be set for life as a result of her gift.
[Saylor thinks BTC will be worth $1m by 2032 and $13m by 2045]
Wreckless advice to anyone let alone the financially non-savvy.
BTC is 'worth' zero and always will be. What the price might be is a different matter.
Figures of a million or 13 million are just total hype and have as much validity as speculating on the future value of air