A good prompt for discussion by OP#1, and interesting - and differing - responses.
I tend towards the views of Lyn Alden and Russell Napier. Lyn A says current conditions are more like 1940s than 1970s.
Sovereign nations carry huge amounts of Debt: USA worse than UK, with many European nations similar. A traditional way for borrower nations to ‘repay’ the Debt is ‘fiscal repression’: engineer low Interest Rates on the Debt with higher inflation, so debasing the real value of the Debt - eg IRs at 3% with Inflation at 4-5%.over years amazing how $ £ depreciate. CBS can repeat their shenanigans with QE.
Whether or not this is so, we enter difficult times with President apparent Trump and Labour. I fear some Equities (Tech?) are over priced. If IRs are held down, reliable Dividend payers could be the best bet.
I am pleased that my Equities have done well, but at present I feel content with CGT & PNL (NOT RICA or RCP) and my physical Gold. I hold no Fixed Income apart from a High Yield Debt fund churning out 8-10 % pa, although I am ready to drop that if needed. Also I hold USA & Canadian Mid-Stream O&G funds throwing out 9% pa with steady inflation linked Revenue.
In short defensive. What do other Posters think?