ANDREW FOSTER;331785 wrote:Robin B;331758 wrote:ANDREW FOSTER;331752 wrote:
I get the expansion of oil and gas if for no other reason than energy security against Iran/Russia supply disruption.
Makes sense.
But banning new offshore wind leases is proper lunacy. It's actively preventing companies that wish to from conducting that business.
That's just dogma over common sense.
It costs the Federal government nothing if someone builds a wind or solar installation and in fact they get revenue as a result. Throttling a business is idiotic.
There is no commercial case for off shore wind energy without public subsidies. It also results in a hideous eyesore that is harmful to ecology - as we can readily see off the coast of England.
Fine. Then stop subsidies and let the market decide what is viable....
but that isn't what's happened. What has happened is market manipulation.
I gather you know absolutely nothing about the way the licencing works? How do you know it doesn't have federal assistance baked in? In which case, cancelling licences might be the most expedient way to cut off public money from this scam.
And it isn't snow flakey to have regard to the environment, you clown. Government policy should always be weighing up the pros and cons. The problem with the green lunacy is that the alleged benefits don't anywhere near make up for the shortcomings.
Having thousands of wind turbines spread out across the sea is a ridiculous option on basic cost and maintenance grounds alone. Compare that arrangement, where boats and crews have to go to every single installation and compare to a single, concentrated power plant at one site. Then throw in how unreliable these things are, how short their life spans, and how much public money they gobble up and hurt consumers/industry then you have an option that is crap from the very start. Are all these shortcomings offset by environmental benefits at least? Well no, because they don't deliver the goods and leave a reliance on fossil fuels anyway; they are an eyesore, bad for wildlife and will be landfilled on a large scale once they stop being useful. The cost benefit analysis doesn't make sense unless there is green dogma involved. Waste of time, space, energy and money.
Better to keep investing in more and better fossil fuel extraction and use, as had been happening. Then invest in more advanced technologies to surpass that in due course. Not legislating to force windmill rubbish through whilst undermining the better alternatives. We are being legislated into national bankruptcy. The new US administration realises that the only hope of getting out of the crippling debt trap we're in is to cut costs, lower the price of energy, incentivise higher productivity and improve income.
UK: most expensive energy in the world. All deliberate policy choices. Supported by useful idiots.