Rob B;328662 wrote:
Guidance on specific insurances such as PI or maybe non-payment protection?
Depending on your profession, P.I. might be a requirement of professional registration (it is in my case). Even if not, it would be sensible if you're carrying out design work or giving advice – if you don't have it, then you rely on winding up the company if you're taken to court and costs/ damages are awarded. Some clients may insist that you carry a minimum level of P.I. cover.
If you're worried about non-payment, another option is to use a debt factor for invoicing. That comes at a cost, of course.
Rob B;328662 wrote:
Any guidance on invoice payment terms? Is 28 days unrealistic?
28 days is sensible, but you may find yourself in a "battle of terms" where you ask a client to accept your terms (28 days) but they accept on their own standard terms (56 days, or whatever). You'll likely find yourself chasing their accounts dept regardless of the agreed terms, as they'll claim there's a P.O. number missing on the invoice, or a missing VAT registration number…
Rob B;328662 wrote:
Did you seek any specialist advice other than an accountant?
It's helpful to have a good solicitor on speed-dial, just in case. Likewise if you're a member of a professional body, it's worth seeing whether they can provide advice about setting up as a sole practitioner. Also think about any memberships that might be needed if you're bidding for new work.