sam velo;328922 wrote:I think, if I am being honest, I am crying over split milk.
I would like to retire at 58 (next year) and this would have helped my income planning.
I have been saving like a madman since certain life events so have built up my SIPP to £350k ( which the £33k TV was the seed money).
I do have a small DB from the current employer but that does not kick in till 65.
I will start a separate thread re: how to actually manage my SIPP once I do retire as I find it confusing and don’t possess much of the financial acumen others have on the forum.
You have put yourself into a good position, sam velo.
Because £33k to £350k over 16 years corresponds with 15% annualised returns - and from glancing at your profile - I'm guessing that you (and Govt) augmented the original "seed money" over the period.
I think you should retire next year, buy that bike and travel the world, otherwise your sixtieth birthday is going to hit you like a ton of bricks. You have a property in London, let it monetise your adventures via AirBnb or its like. Try not to crystallise your SIPP but rather let the pricipal build in its tax-sheltered environment.
One thing for when you come back: resume that part-time job or side-hustle. Not only will it keep your mind sharp, you may fall in like I did with a great bunch of people. It smooths the glidepath to your state-pension years. Hopefully, many of them.