I've just liquidated all but two tiny holdings (the results of spinoff companies where the holdings are too small to justify even dealing) in the AIM portfolio I've been running in an ISA for some years, with the intention of offsetting IHT. For a while it did very well, and of course it was fun, with holdings including LTG, ABDP, JDG, RNWH, Bioventix and YouGov, and also disasters such as BooHoo. But the AIM is stuffed. Companies are leaving it, the IHT allowance has been halved by the present government, and despite the strong growth in equities these past three months including smaller companies in the main markets, the shares in the AIM pf have been spiralling downwards. It may be that in the next tax year things steady up, but the AIM was already iffy and I've had enough. I reckon I'm fortunate to get out with a 1.8% profit overall - over several years, too.
I'll be reinvesting in conventional holdings in that ISA