Geoff Fitz;332400 wrote:Newbie,
The regularly point is well made.
But I would have taken say £12-15K out each year as and when required but not regular amounts of say approx. £1K. It's just about converting the £12-15K odd lumps to regular £8-1200 sums say monthly. If it comes from an income unit there can be no dispute. What if I take £12k at the beginning of the tax year and then take £1K each month as income. Much fewer hoops. It would be defined a regular and it would be from investments and it would be my income.
The regular element is absolutely key.
The problem with "as and when" is that it you cannot show a pattern or regular gift.
Now if, say you did it this year and gifted the whole lot, but passed away next year,
it could be argued that your income was neither regular nor was your gifting. Instead you simply took out capital from your pension and gifted it knowing you would not have needed it for if you did then you would have spent it - Similarly given your habit is to take it out as and when you need it, suggests that you plan your expenditure and it would be safe to assume you took a lump sum on this occasion knowing you would not need it - thus avoidance.
So better take it our regularly (or as you put it "take £12k at the beginning of the tax year and then take £1K each month as income. Much fewer hoops. It would be defined a regular and it would be from investments and it would be my income)
Then it needs to documented thoroughly - belt and braces.