Thrugelmir;333975 wrote:You have to change your life;333969 wrote:
You have to distinguish between what investors expect and what they hanker for, as very often their posts conflate the two.
Apple's PE ratio in 2012 was 12 today in 2025 it's 36.
If you are going to use hindsight. At least use facts and not random quotes taken out of any context. Says a lot that you've the time to waste dissing people. Rather than contrstructively debating investing and what may or may not lie ahead.
To be fair
You were not using PE to put down Apple -
You were using the concept of innovation and supply chain issues.
Your point still stands and today it is what many start with saying about Apple as a reason for not holding.
I do not disagree with your either. Apple is not and cannot innovate forever, Supply (China) is still an issue.
To me Apple is now a value (as opposed to growth) company with recurring revenues and a sticky offering.
It forms/will form a smaller part of my portfolio
I do not need an iphone to communicate, I can do that with any phone, I do not need an iPad or a Macbook
However I do like their security features - which is why I moved to apple from MSFT in the first place - data security, breaches etc.
I like the certainty that the App store has predictable and recurring revenue (I also recognize that Zukerberg hates Apple as he has to pay to have his apps and offerings via the appstore and cannot rely on Android alone).
All the gimmicky stuff such an watches, pencils etc are of no interest to me, but I know that that there are plenty of aspiring people who will continue to buy them, not because they need or have any use for them, but they can look trendy and cool and pretend to to have some wealth.