ben ski;334000 wrote: You could split a business like Apple or Amazon up into 8 smaller businesses, and scatter them throughout the S&P, and it'd amount to the same thing – only one would be a software business, a hardware business, a communications business, a VC fund, etc.
Not so.
Look throughout history, key decisions and asset allocation has as much bearing as the information and product itself on returns.
Apple was dead and heading towards the graveyards by the decisions of the soda dude.
Blockbuster exploded by rejecting Netflix
Ebay almost died trying to copy Amazon.
They all had the same information at that point in time - they just different views and made choices accordingly
The magic information formula you keep referring to is and has always been out there,. It the decisions you make with it and the capital you deploy towards ideas that play a huge role in returns.
Google has vasts amount of information (as does Ebay) but it needs to make use of it in a meaningful way to be successful and then allocate resources towards a chosen path.
I always like the analogy of Water - 2/3 of the world and your body is full of it. It is free and accessible to all (ok I overlook the places which have drought)
Yet some genius thought what if we bottle it and sell it we could make a trillion dollar industry out of it. Sure it will add costs but mankind will still buy it.
In much the same way, Apple developed a large portable hard disk and sold it has ipods and came back from the dead. The information (and product in both cases) was already there just not the way you imagined it.
The likes of MSFT, Google had both the data and information but Amazon made AWS into the largest cloud service provider. Today whilst everyone is busy developing proprietary AI, the likes of Amazon went open source and were happy to use all of them including Deepseek and guess what - yesterday they just moved to the leaders not by having a better model but simply by allowing all of them in their eco system.
So when a company incubates many companies they make an active choice on the views they have. SO 8 separate companies will have 8 heads and will look at things in 8 different ways and make 8 different allocation choices.