NPH;334656 wrote:
Thank you for such a detailed reply. I share your concerns about inflation re-spiking, interest rates staying higher for longer and the new dawn for bonds being another false one.after a couple of years of disappointment. Several posters have recommended the gilt ladder for mid-term spending, but there have been very few clear calls for a 3-10 year horizon outside of this. I remain unconvinced outside of 2-3 years of short term protection.
It seems like your question is effectively, is a ‘3 bucket’ strategy worth it and is there anything suitable to out there to put into the second bucket. The second bucket being the mid term bucket, the one that consists of those less growthy, hopefully less volatile investments that offer more than cash in exchange for some volatility but not pure equity-like volatility.
TBH, bucket 2 is a lot more of a head scratcher these days than it once was. The good news is the evidence suggests that this isn’t an optimal strategy anyway; and Monte Carlo simulations suggest that actually the more you hold in equities, the less likely you are to run out of money in retirement, despite the increased volatility.
However, I get that it isn’t all about being optimal and that psychology comes into it a lot. Having an intermediate bucket of investments that are beating inflation but not tanking 25-30% every few years may well offer peace of mind.
Christine Benz of Morningstar talks about the 3 bucket strategy a lot. She seems to talk about bond funds with some equity funds focused on mature large cap companies that pay a dividend for that intermediate term bucket. For me, the latter might be reasonable, the former not so much.
PNL and its OEIC equivalent, Troy Trojan, get a lot of love on here and for good reason. Out of everyone trying to offer some positive real return without getting investors wrecked over the medium to long term, these guys are pretty much the undisputed world champions! So that is something you could put in that Intermediate bucket. But going all in on one trust, fund for bucket two might not be wise. Managers change, approaches change… never know.
CGT is worth a shout but it’s more of an alternative than it is an out and out steady as she goes safety first trust.
For me, RICA is a different beast. Much more hedgefundy. It has a tendency to take on more risk. It’s definitely a very alternative strategy that it employs but I’m not sure it’s for everyone and I’m not sure it’s a bucket 2 candidate.
There are other multi-asset funds out there. BlackRock MyMap 4 hasn’t been too bad. It uses passives, but there seems to be at least some effort to manage duration risk when it comes to the bond allocation. It’s been more volatile than PNL, but it hasn’t been terrible, it’s a reasonable bucket 2 candidate IMO.
You could always create your own bucket 2 portfolio. The Golden Butterfly portfolio could work. Easy to build yourself with 5 ETFs/ETCs, and it has a fantastic long term record. It consists of 20% large cap stocks, 20% small cap stocks, 20% gold, 20% short dated treasuries, 20% long dated treasuries. Its worst drawdown was, like bonds, 2022. According to portfolio visualizer, it pulled back 18.93% compared to 14.45% for Intermediate US treasuries, and 25.35% for global bonds. The goods news is that, unlike bonds, it’s already more than recovered. Even with that 20% allocation to long treasuries. Intermediate treasuries and global bonds are both still down.
5 Year Annualised Returns:
Golden Butterfly 5.53%
Intermediate treasuries. -0.40%
Global Bonds. -1.76%
10 year returns read virtually the same. Bonds just tip into positive territory over that time, Golden butterfly still comfortably over 5%.