Thrugelmir;334680 wrote:Hilda Ogden;334651 wrote:Surely, all equity investment is "value" investing? Without value there's no hope for return? Though by "value" investing generally folks mean something a little more nuanced.
Agree totally. That's why access to data is so important. Enables filtering out of the overpriced and uninvestable. MSCI indexes use numerous metholodgies to refine stock selections. S&P500 is driven by companies being continually profitable on a quarterly basis.
Could the one stop ETF for this filter the new
Fidelity US Quality Value UCITS ETF ticker
FUSV apply that additional filtering?
FUSV is still too new to get a MorningStar report on it.
I suspect there will be too much overlap for my own portfolio and strategy, but can see it combining well with an FTSE100 ETF, Europe and EM for a few investors who need companies to earn profit immediately and bypass the growth stage that are still likely overvalued (Common knowledge for others: High rates generally hurt high-growth companies with long-duration cash flows because of valuation compression and higher borrowing costs).
I wounder what it takes to raise the bar to 12-15% annualised gains. In true dragons den style, I don't get out of bed unless I am targeting 15%-30% annualised. The high bar includes AGT, HGT, PSH... or the search though FTSE250 companies who can compound greater than the drag of the UK economy.