Rookie Investor;335834 wrote:None of these "research" pieces give any information whatsoever. It is just their own model, which there does not seem to be any details of, to come up with some projections. Without doing any fundamental analysis whatsoever. Just one based on stats and mean reversion.
Utterly pointless. Useless nonsense that serves no purpose for investors as there is literally zero added value.
Question is what do Vanguard get out of it? I reckon it is one way to sell some of their funds.
Simple the more they write the more investors place money with them as they believe they are experts. It's a great Profession being an 'expert" and we see many Forum Members supporting them in their nice lifestyle.
I am not sure you can say "zero added value" or even 100% added value" is utterly pointless but I agree its ALL of no value as pure guesswork and gambling by alsorts of experts and non-expert.
I belive that its best to disregard this type of information as neither you or anyone has the answer to the future. Perhaps it's best not to get involved with the 99.9% of investors going this route as they will cause false markets as we see regularly.
The investment industry is full of highly paid experts who spend hours researching and providing DD which I dont think adds any value.
I saw much of this Research and meet many of the Researches who PIs are happy to pay millions to.