Speaking as a landlord, many variables. Usual advise is to only purchase on a ten year view.
Firstly, what would be your rental payments over 3 years ?
What is included in the rent that you would have to pay for if you purchased?
Secondly, How much are your forecast mortgage payments ove 3 years ?
Add in nominal maintenance.
Add in any payments that would be included in your rent.
Add in solicitor fees.
Add in insurance fees.
Add in stamp duty.
Add in furniture, carpets etc etc etc
Add in sale costs and conveyancing after 3 years.
What is the difference? This should tell you that if viewed solely on a 3 year term.... Rent!
If at the end of your contract you decide to leave the area and rent out the property, what provision are/would you make for the purchase of your next residence?
Would you employ a property manager (cost)?
Also, bare in mind that your mortgage lender will ask you to pay them a visit after the three years if you decide to rent out the property. Otherwise you will be in breach of the terms of your agreement. You will have to move to a BTL facility. And by then their could be even more legislation in place to deter you.
Will London property prices go up or down in the next 3 years ? I, like everyone else, don't know !
Will London property prices go up or down in the next 10 years ? I, like everyone else, don't know !
Anyone can hazard a guess based on history, and if they did, my guess would be that the majority would say yes. But that's not a business model to base a forecast on.